
Ogatsu Community Center Project

Ogatsu town suffered catastrophic damage after the Great Eastern Earthquake and subsequent tsunami. Ogatsu is a mostly low-lying town, and the tsunami washed way houses and public buildings. Currently there is little area safe for housing. As the result, the majority of people have been forced to live in separate temporary shelters until they can rebuild homes. It creates a strong need for a public space for community for those residents left scattered about the many hamlets around the town. This community center will be therefore a symbol of recovery with encouraging residents solidarity and motivation for reconstruction effort.
 The construction of Ogatsu community center started on August 17th, 2012 and will be completed on March 2013. It consists of three main parts:

- Meeting room: an area open to the public
- Main hall: expected as a cafe and an exhibition and screening room.
- Office space for a civilian organization

 Although this project has been supported by individuals and organizations, the amount donated still falls short of the goal. Your continued support is crucial in completing the construction of Ogatsu community center.

Architectural model
under construction
under construction
NHK News

Donation from overseas banks

Intermediary Bank:
US Dollar (USD): Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas NY
Euro (EUR): Deutsche Bank AG Frankfurt
Beneficiary Bank: Japan Post Bank
Branch: Head Office
Beneficiary Bank Address: 3-2, Kasumigaseki 1-chome, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-8798, Japan
Beneficiary Bank BIC (SWIFT Code): JPPSJPJ1
Beneficiary Bank CHIPS UID (USD): 427593
Payee Account Number: 18110-38479671
Name of Account Holder: Ogatsucommunitycenterfundjimukyoku
Payee Address: 23-2 Ara, aza, Funakoshi, Ogatsu-cho, Ishinomaki-shi, Miyagi 986-1301, Japan
Payee Telephone Number: 080-2819-6997

Domestic donation (from within Japan)

from Japan Post Bank
口座番号 18110-38479671
口座名称 雄勝コミュニティーセンターファンド事務局
フリガナ オガツコミュニティーセンターファンドジムキョク

from other Japanese Banks                   
銀行名 ゆうちょ銀行
店名 八一八(読み: ハチイチハチ)
店番 818
預金種目  普通預金
口座番号 3847967
口座名称 雄勝コミュニティーセンターファンド事務局
フリガナ オガツコミュニティーセンターファンドジムキョク